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Insurance Blog

Please read and comment on our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.


Key Attributes Millennials Are Seeking In An Employer

A successful business is much more than the sum of its parts, something that satisfied employees come to realize in the days after being hired. Still, these "parts" are typically the first elements job seekers investigate when determining the best places to work.  Contact RC4 Insurance Agency, LLC if you would like to expand the success of your business with an insurance program uniquely catered...

How To Handle Being Hit While Parked

Hit and run accidents frequently occur while a vehicle is parked on the street, in a parking structure, or at the local shopping mall. Often the guilty party does not leave contact information, which leaves the vehicle owner with the problem of getting the damage repaired. To add to the burden, many people are unclear on what to do in this situation and are unsure...

Preventing Dog Bites This Fall

Fall is a big season for dog parks, as owners try to get their canines outside as much as possible before the cold air of winter sets in. Bite risk will be heightened as a result. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a public agency devoted to population health management, states that America experiences 4.5 million dog bites annually. What's more, the Insurance Information...

Is Your Home Ready For The Fall?

For homeowners, each season brings its own unique set of challenges and maintenance tasks, and prevention is always easier and less expensive than repairing something that's broken. As fall approaches, consider protecting your home by taking the time to assess and address any issues in the following areas: Insulation from the cold. As the weather gets colder, poor insulation can be both uncomfortable and expensive,...

6 Things You Need to Know About Rental Cars and Insurance

RC4 Insurance Agency, LLC Auto Insurance Despite the growing popularity of ride-sharing services such as Uber and Lyft, demand for rental cars continues to increase. Although there are many different situations in which you may need to rent a vehicle, the two most common are as a replacement for your primary vehicle after an accident or a means of transportation when you’re traveling. Understanding how your...